December 26, 2010

A BeardedLady Christmas

What a great Christmas! This was our first Christmas with kids involved and it was so much fun to just snap snap snap away at every move they made. Caraline loved eating the bows and playing with the paper and reaching for everyone's drinks. She's starting to develop her own personality and it's so much fun to watch her! Madison, our 6 year old niece, is so sassy and funny. She is hilarious. We love them. Here are some pictures of our Christmas.

mounds and mounds of presents.



nom nom nom

Madison got a notepad to practice her writing in and this is what she wrote : )

We played Pretty Pretty Princess!

And we played Twister!

It was fun. The end.

December 17, 2010


This post really has no significance. I was a little bored so I messed around with this picture i took of the Roebling. I've been kind of diggin' the fuax-rays in the prints lately. Haven't quite decided if i wanna throw this up on Storenvy yet, so we'll let it simmer on here for a little bit.

What do you think of the new sidebar??? ----->

December 16, 2010

Harlem Jones gets a snow day

Man, oh, man; it snowed A LOT in these parts last night! The whole little family got to stay home today. Our little princess LOVES the snow. She flips out anytime she gets to play in it. She especially loves when the beard throws snowballs at her face. And I'm not being sarcastic. She loves being pelted in the face with snowballs. Here are some pictures I got of our Miss Jones having a good frolick in the first big snow of the season.

She's one happy girl.

December 10, 2010

(not so) random thoughts from the lady's mind...

Boy, I sure do wish I were as good at blogging as I always thought I would be. In my blog dreams, I always envisioned myself exactly like elsie. She is my blog hero. But alas, I let the everyday stuff get in the way of something that I would like to be a creative outlet for me. I found out this week that at the beginning of the year, my schedule will be opening up quite a bit. As in, I don't have a job. It's no secret that the huz has no "real job" right now either, aside from his awesome band. So that adds up to a very small income for the Hoffman's.Rather than freaking out about this, my awesome bearded other half has encouraged me to focus on the dreams I've been wanting to follow that I haven't been able to follow to the extent I wanted to; like our store, being creative together, building relationships with other creatives who love Jesus,and this blog. So rather than being afraid, I'm choosing to trust that our God is bigger than a 9-5. He is bigger than a paycheck. He will provide for us. And there is a gift in every page of every chapter of life. I'm choosing to believe that the gift in this new chapter is the freedom for me to follow my dream and be creative. And, thanks to the gentle and passionate encouragement of a certain bearded stud, and the many prayers I've received over the past few days from people who love me , I can say with complete truth that I am grateful and ready for this next chapter.

I can also say that we will actually start writing on this thing. And I can't wait to build deeper relationships with other creatives all over the country!!