May 17, 2011

1 spring goal achieved, and some other cool stuff.

A friend of ours, who's a youth leader in Kentucky, posted on facebook tonight that he was looking for some new art for his youth groups worship space. I thought I would donate a couple paintings I did. I did part of this a while back but when I pulled it out tonight I suddenly got inspired to add to it. So I whipped something up real quick and I'm really happy w/ how it turned out. I'm not an actual artist or anything, but I still really like it and hope it speaks to whoever see's it hanging in the youths worship space. It's inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:7.

I think I'm going to make another in different colors to hang over our bed, because this verse gives me hope in the truth that love really does win when Jesus is at the center of it. I just had Matt type the words out for me in photoshop because I'm lame and can't do it myself, and then I cut them out, ran the edge of the scissors along the edges of the paper to rough them up, and then I melted golf wax and used it to adhere the paper to the canvas. Then I dripped some wax all over to add some extra texture to the overall piece. Super easy. ANYONE could do it. While admiring it I realized that this totally counts as my spring goal to make at least 1 crafty thing. Hopefully it wont be my only crafty thing, but things are awfully busy right now and you never know. I did a fist pump and said an overdramatic "YESSSSSSS." When I realized this. I'm weird.

Also, this weekend I went vintaging at Atomic Number Ten with two cool girls. Abi, who is pretty much the only person who ever comments on my blog (and lets be honest, probably the only person who reads it besides myself.) and Kristen. It was fun. I got a skirt with snails on it. And the snails are kissing. It is way too cool for school. Too legit to quit, even. You'll get a picture when I wear it. It was our first time at A.N.T. and it was good. I'll definitely be going back to hit up that vintage dish section once we finally get a place.

I wanted to get more pictures but I was too busy filling my arms with vintage goodies to try on and trying to figure out a way to get the beard to let me blow our whole budget on cool stuff.

Other than that the past several days have been filled with this:

how are you this week?

May 10, 2011

dear self,

" you are one of the miracles of creation. Address yourself with respect and wonder." (source unknown, but if you know it, let me know!)

dear self,

I'm sorry for often times making mean comments about you and telling you that you need to lose 10 pounds, or that you look like road kill when you get up in the morning. You were knit together perfectly, and you deserve for me to treat you with respect and wonder. I promise to start being nicer to you from now on.

Love, me

May 9, 2011

music monday: brooke fraser

Tonight has been a longish night for me. Matt and I have to move soon, and we've found the house we really, really, REALLY want. We walked in the door and I just felt at home. I can just picture us living life there for a long time. I can picture us starting a family there and me having a little garden and playing in the yard and making yummy meals for friends and family. But it turns out we're not the only ones who feel that way and we have some competition with another couple who saw it this morning. We find out tomorrow if we get it or not, and I have been freaking out all night. I want it so bad and I might be heartbroken if he doesn't pick us. But I've been praying through it and remembering that 1. it's just a house, it's a material thing and it will pass away. If we don't get it, we will move on and God will still provide us with shelter. and 2. God really does give us the desires of our hearts if we find our joy in Him. I've been praying really contradictory prayers. One minute I'm asking God to help me just let it go and be ok with whatever happens and the next I'm literally BEGGING for this house. I took a little break from my praying/freaking to read some blogs and I stumbled onto 2 really encouraging ones that I've never heard of before, In His Grace and Life Made Lovely. I think just reading things that woman who have put their trust in Jesus, even if they're not writing about exactly what I'm going through makes me feel encouraged and at peace. Another thing that makes me feel encouraged and at peace is this song by Brooke Fraser. It always lifts me up and reminds me of what's important. I don't even watch the video because it just distracts me from the words. I love the words, and I believe them, so I'm singing this song tonight and trusting that no matter what I find out tomorrow, I'm heard and I'm safe and taken care of. And there are bigger things in life than whether or not I get exactly what I want.

hope you're having a wonderful Monday.
